UMASA April 2017 Updates

16/04/2017 11:44:54

University Act Consultation

As you probably have heard by now, the Minister for Education and Employment launched the public consultation document on the new University Act on the 7 April 2017. UMASA together with KSU attended this event. This occasion was the first time that UMASA was ever presented with this document. This document is open for consultation until the 30th of June and is available here.


This is an important milestone in the history of the University of Malta and before UMASA issues its official feedback on this document we would like to hear more from our members on this.

We would like to invite our members to give us their views by the 7th May 2016. Please send your feedback directly to clearly indicating “Education Act Consultation” as the subject header.

Discussion Forum: TAE’s, where do we go from here?

Our current workloads calculation model (TAE) significantly affects the way in which we understand our work. In the run up to the next collective agreement UMASA would like to host a ‘Discussion Forum’ on the question of TAE’s. After a few opening remarks from the chair the floor will be open to discussions and comments from our members. It is important that you come and make your voice heard on this issue. We would encourage academics from all the different faculties and at all levels to attend. It is important that we not only voice our opinion but also that we are able to hear and understand our colleagues. As such I would ask you to limit your individual interventions to no more than 2-3 minutes per person in order to ensure that we are able to give as many people as possible a chance to voice their views on the matter.

The meeting is scheduled for the 5th May 12.00-14.00 at LT1

UMASA Contact Points

In order to facilitate contact between UMASA council

members and the members of academic staff across the University, UMASA will be appointing a number of members from different Faculties/Institutes/Centres to serve as ‘Contact Points’. Given the diversity of needs that are found across the university the contact points will be chosen to represent the diversity, disciplinary and otherwise, of UMASA’s membership.

These ‘Contact Points’ will serve as consultative points for the elected council when necessary as well as acting as an ‘on the ground’ point of contact for members. They will also be able to flag issues of concern to UMASA council as well as disseminating information released by UMASA council.

The list of the contact points to date will be released shortly.

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